Did you know that you can now access past exam papers from your laptop and from off-campus?
If you are using an ITB PC: click
here for access.
If you are using a laptop or if you are off-campus, you will need to log in via the ITB Portal. Click
here for a step-by-step guide.
The exam papers are organised by course code. Within each course code, click on the year you require and browse by semester. Usually, for instance, semester 3 will be the first semester of the second year of the course...
Here are some reasons why it's a good idea to look at the exam papers now!
- They show how much time is allowed for the exam
- They can help you to work out how much time to allocate to each question
- They give examples of how many questions have been set in the past, and how many questions you may be expected to answer
- They can help to identify the style of question asked (essay, multiple choice, compare and contrast)
- They can help you to practice exam techniques
- They can help you to identify key revision topics
(Image: "Relation scheme 86/366" by Blue Square Thing via Flickr)