Tuesday, February 28, 2012

If the library was open on Saturdays, would you use it?

Extending our opening hours has resource implications for our library.  Before we decide whether or not to open the library on Saturdays, we would like your input.  Please complete the following survey:

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  1. I would use the library if it was open on Saturday. And if the Mac Lab was open as well, it'd be perfect


  2. I would use the library on Saturdays coming up to exams. I think i would benefit more if the library opened earlier in the morning

  3. yes, I think it would be good. I think I'd use the library on Saturdays if it was open.

  4. Yes I think it is a good idea and that would help a lot of students including me the needed resources and space to study. An excellent suggestion.

  5. I would use the library on Saturday and think it should be open earlier during the week.

  6. Agreed I think it would be extremely beneficial to students if the library and rooms such as E115(room with Dartfish software, only area in ITB with this software which can't be accessed at home)were open and accessible to students on a Saturday. Even half day hours; 10am-3pm.

    I also agree it would be of huge benefit to students if the library opened earlier from about 7:30am or 8:00am especially during term time, really would be of great assistance to students.

  7. Thank you for your feedback. Please see our post on opening hours over the exam period: http://itblibrary.blogspot.ie/2013/04/library-opening-times.html.
