Are you having problems referencing? Do you really know what it is? If you have any queries then please call into the Library and we'll help.
If you are in the School of Business and Humanities, the chances are you will be asked to use the Harvard style of referencing. If you are in the School of Informatics and Engineering, you will use the IEEE style. However, some courses use modified versions of these - so ask your lecturer too!
We have leaflets on both these styles in the Library, and there's a booklet in the Reference section . Also, check out the homepage of the online catalogue. You'll find a tutorial and a quiz on referencing.
Related to this is plagiarism - any ideas?? Check out the online catalogue for this too - there's a tutorial and a quiz.
If you are in the School of Business and Humanities, the chances are you will be asked to use the Harvard style of referencing. If you are in the School of Informatics and Engineering, you will use the IEEE style. However, some courses use modified versions of these - so ask your lecturer too!
We have leaflets on both these styles in the Library, and there's a booklet in the Reference section . Also, check out the homepage of the online catalogue. You'll find a tutorial and a quiz on referencing.
Related to this is plagiarism - any ideas?? Check out the online catalogue for this too - there's a tutorial and a quiz.
Please also read the Institute's policy on plagiarism in assignments and examinations. You can find it on the Document Management System (DMS). Search for document number 3AS08 . The DMS is accessed via the Intranet (on-campus only).
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